Broderick, L.G., 2016. People with Animals: Perspectives and Studies in Ethnozooarchaeology. Oxbow Books Ltd., Oxford.
Madgwick, R., Broderick, L.G., 2016. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 2, Special Issue on Taphonomies of Trajectory: Studies on the Movement of Bones.
Jervis, B., Broderick, L.G., Grau Sologestoa, I., 2016. Objects, Environment, and Everyday Life in Medieval Europe. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout. doi:10.1484/M.HDL-EB.5.110681
- Broderick, L.G., Houle, J.-L., Seitsonen, O., In Press. The Circle of Life: Stone Circles and Khirigsuurs in Bronze Age Mongolia. Antiquity.
Broderick, L.G., 2019. Animal Bones, in Simmonds, A., & Martin, T., Prehistoric Activity and Burials, Roman Field Boundaries and an Anglo-Saxon Settlement at Shottery, Stratford-Upon-Avon. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society 94.
Broderick, L.G., 2018. Animal Bones, in: Simmonds, A., Lawrence, S. (Eds.), Footprints from the Past: The South-Eastern Extramural Settlement of Roman Alchester and Rural Occupation of Its Hinterland: The Archaeology of East West Rail Phase 1. Oxford Archaeology, Oxford, pp. 179–186.
Seitsonen, O., Houle, J.-L., Broderick, L.G., Woodley, P., Bayarsaikhan, J., 2018. Lithics in the steppe landscape: An off-site spatial analysis of stone artefacts in the Khanuy Valley, Mongolia. Archaeological Research in Asia. doi:10.1016/j.ara.2018.01.003
Herbert, R.J.H., Broderick, L.G., Ross, K., Moody, C., Cruz, T., Clarke, L., Stillman, R.A., 2018. Artificial Coastal Lagoons at Solar Salt-Working Sites: A Network of Habitats for Specialised, Protected and Alien Biodiversity. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 203, 1–16. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2018.01.015
Seitsonen, O., Seitsonen, S., Broderick, L.G., Gerasimov, D. V., 2017. Burnt Bones by Europe’s Largest Lake: Zooarchaeology of the Stone Age and Early Metal Period Hunter-Gatherers at Lake Ladoga, NW Russia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 11, 131–146. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.11.034
Broderick, L.G., 2016. People with Animals: A Perspective of Ethnozooarchaeology, in: Broderick, L.G. (Ed.), People with Animals: Perspectives and Studies in Ethnozooarchaeology. Oxbow Books Ltd., Oxford, pp. 2–7.
Broderick, L.G., Wallace, M., 2016. Manure: Valued by Farmers, Undervalued by Zooarchaeologists, in: Broderick, L.G. (Ed.), People with Animals: Perspectives and Studies in Ethnozooarchaeology. Oxbow Books Ltd., Oxford, pp. 34–41.
Jervis, B., Broderick, L.G., Grau Sologestoa, I., 2016. Introduction: Everyday Life in Medieval Europe, in: Jervis, B., Broderick, L.G., Grau Sologestoa, I. (Eds.), Objects, Environment, and Everyday Life in Medieval Europe. Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, pp. 1–15. doi:10.1484/M.HDL-EB.5.109535
Broderick, L.G., Seitsonen, O., Bayarsaikhan, J., Houle, J.-L., 2016. Lambs to the Slaughter: A Zooarchaeological Investigation of Stone Circles in Mongolia. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26, 537–543. doi:10.1002/oa.2425
Madgwick, R., Broderick, L.G., 2016. Taphonomies of Trajectory: The Pre- and Post-Depositional Movement of Bones. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8, 223–226. doi:10.1007/s12520-015-0287-7
Broderick, L.G., 2015. Dead Choughed... Palores 54, 16.
Broderick, L.G., 2015. Book Review: Two Oxen Ahead: Pre-Mechanized Farming in the Mediterranean by P. Halstead. Environmental Archaeology 20, 106–107. doi:10.1179/1461410314Z.00000000099
Broderick, L.G., Houle, J.-L., Seitsonen, O., Bayarsaikhan, J., 2014. The Mystery of the Missing Caprines: Stone Circles at the Great Khirigsuur in the Khanuy Valley. Studia Archaeologica (Археологийн судлал) XXXIV, 164–174.
Broderick, L.G., 2014. Commercial Zooarchaeology of the “Modern” Era: A Survey of Attitudes and Practices. Anthropozoologica 49, 19–32. doi:10.5252/az2014n1a02
Seitsonen, O., Houle, J.-L., Broderick, L.G., 2014. GIS Approaches to Past Mobility and Accessibility: An Example from the Bronze Age Khanuy Valley, Mongolia, in: Leary, J. (Ed.), Past Mobilities: Archaeological Approaches to Movement and Mobility. Ashgate, Farnham, Surrey, pp. 79–112.
Broderick, L.G., 2014. Book Review: Fox, H. 2012. Dartmoor’s Alluring Uplands: Transhumance and Pastoral Management in the Middle Ages. Assemblage. URL http://www.assemblage.group.shef.ac.uk/reviews/book-reviews/201-fox-h-2012-dartmoors-alluring-uplands (accessed 3.5.14).
Prendergast, M.E., Mabulla, A.Z.P., Grillo, K.M., Broderick, L.G., Seitsonen, O., Gidna, A.O., Gifford-Gonzalez, D.P., 2013. Pastoral Neolithic Sites on the Southern Mbulu Plateau, Tanzania. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 48, 498–520. doi:10.1080/0067270X.2013.841927
Broderick, L.G., Houle, J.-L., 2013. More than Just Horse: Dietary Breadth and Subsistence in Bronze Age Central Mongolia. Mongolian Journal of Anthropology, Archaeology and Ethnology 9, 1.
Broderick, L.G., 2012. Conference Report: 33rd AEA Conference: Environmental Archaeologies of Neolithisation, 9th-12th November, Reading, UK. AEA Newsletter 118, 16–18.
Broderick, L.G., 2012. Book Review: Food, Craft and Status in Medieval Winchester: The Plant and Animal Remains from the Suburbs and City Defences by Dale Serjeantson and Helen Rees. Hortulus. URL http://hortulus-journal.com/journal/volume-7-number-1-2011/broderick/ (accessed 3.5.14).
Broderick, L.G., 2012. Book Review: Living with Herds: Human-Animal Coexistence in Mongolia. By Natasha Fijn. pp. xix, 274. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2011. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 22, 475–477. doi:10.1017/S1356186312000211
Broderick, L.G., 2012. Ritualisation (or The Four Fully-Articulated Ungulates of The Apocalypse), in: Pluskowski, A. (Ed.), The Ritual Killing and Burial of Animals: European Perspectives. Oxbow Books Ltd., Oxford, pp. 22–32.
Broderick, L.G., 2012. Book Review: EthnoZooArchaeology: The Past and Present of Human-Animal Relationships, by Umberto Albarella and Angela Trentacoste, editors. Ethnoarchaeology 4, 108–110. doi:10.1179/eth.2012.4.1.108
Houle, J.-L., Broderick, L.G., 2011. Settlement Patterns and Domestic Economy of the Xiongnu in Khanui Valley, Mongolia, in: Brosseder, U., Miller, B.K. (Eds.), Xiongnu Archaeology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives of the First Steppe Empire in Inner Asia. Vor- und Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Bonn, pp. 137–152.
Broderick, L.G., Madgwick, R., Adams, H., Faucher, A.-M., 2009. CONFERENCE REPORT: AEA 30th Anniversary Meeting: Environmental Archaeology in a Changing World, 3rd-6th September 2009, York, UK. AEA Newsletter 106, 11–13.
Broderick, L.G., Law, M.J., Wallace, M., de Carle, D.E., 2009. An Open Letter to the AEA, Concerning Accreditation. AEA Newsletter 106, 14.
Broderick, L.G., 2017. Social Taphonomy: Agency, Biography and Chaîne Opératoire of Cattle Bones in a Mediaeval European City. University of York: Unpublished PhD dissertation.
Broderick, L.G., 2014. A Review of Subsistence in Mediaeval Cornwall and Analysis of the Mammal Bones from Mediaeval Gwithian. University of Exeter: Unpublished MA dissertation.
Broderick, L.G., 2008. Analysis of the Faunal Material Excavated Between 2003 and 2007 from West Halton, Lincolnshire. University of Sheffield: Unpublished MSc dissertation.
Broderick, L.G., 2007. Analysis of the Animal Bone Assemblage from 12th Century Queen St., Exeter. University of Exeter: Unpublished BA dissertation.
- Broderick, L.G., 2015. Assessment of the Zooarchaeological Assemblage from the 2015 Excavations at Bristol Castle. zooarchaeology.co.uk report for Bristol & West Archaeology Ltd., Bristol.
Broderick, L.G., 2015. Assessment of the Zooarchaeological Assemblage from Clapham Solar Farm. zooarchaeology.co.uk report for Archaeology Wales Ltd., Powys.
Houle, J.-L., Bayarsaikhan, J., Broderick, L.G., de Carle, D.E., Woodley, P., 2015. Report of the Western Mongolia Archaeology Project 2014. Eastern Kentucky University and National Museum of Mongolia, Bowling Green & Ulaanbaatar..
Broderick, L.G., 2014. Assessment of the Fauna Remains from two Osun Valley Archaeological Sites. zooarchaeology.co.uk report for A. Ogundiran, University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte.
Broderick, L.G., 2013. Zooarchaeologica Isca Dumnoniorum. zooarchaeology.co.uk report for Exeter Archaeology, Exeter.
Houle, J.-L., Broderick, L.G., Seitsonen, O., Woodley, P., 2013. Орон Нутгийн Захиргаанд Зориулсан Товч Тайлан: Хотон Нуур 2012, in: Fitzhugh, W.W., Kortum, R., Bayarsaikhan, J. (Eds.), Rock Art and Archaeology: Investigating Ritual Landscape in the Mongolian Altai Field Report 2012. Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., pp. 144–151.
Prendergast, M.E., Mabulla, A.Z.P., Seitsonen, O., Grillo, K.M., Broderick, L.G., Gidna, A.O., 2013. Archaeological Investigation of a “Moving Frontier” of Early Herding in Northern Tanzania: Report on fieldwork in Engaruka, Manyara and Babati areas July 28-August 27, 2012. Report for Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH), Dar es Salaam.
Broderick, L.G., 2011. Experimental Sieving of Recurvirostra avosetta (Avocet) Faeces. Bournemouth University: Internal Report for EcoSal-Atlantis Project.
Broderick, L.G., 2010. Professional Zooarchaeology Group (PZG) Minutes: Comparative Reference Collections, University of Sheffield, 6th February 2010. English Heritage, Portsmouth.
- Broderick, L.G., 2015. Choughed to Bits. Cornwall Today, April 4.